What size standby generator do you need to run a house? 

What size standby generator do you need to run a house?

What size standby generator do you need to run a house? 
What size standby generator do you need to run a house?

Home standby generators serve as silent sentinels in a world prone to unexpected power outages, which can disrupt our daily routines and compromise our safety and comfort. Ready to spring into action, these generators ensure uninterrupted power to our homes. For homeowners, emergency preparedness enthusiasts, and DIY home improvement aficionados, choosing to install a home standby generator is a crucial decision. It guarantees that the lights stay on, the refrigerator keeps running, and all essential household systems remain operational, even when the main power grid fails.

Whether you’re welcoming a new sense of security to your home or simply exploring the benefits of a home standby generator, this comprehensive guide will walk you through understanding, selecting, and effectively leveraging this high-impact asset.

Understanding Home Standby Generators

What exactly is a home standby generator, and how does it work?

A home standby generator is a system that operates automatically to supply electricity to a home during a power outage. Unlike portable generators, standbys are designed to kick in the moment they detect a utility power disruption, regardless of whether the homeowner is present or away. Key components include the standby generator unit itself, a transfer switch to shift power seamlessly, and a reliable fuel source, such as natural gas, propane, or diesel.

Why choose a home standby generator over a portable one?

While a portable generator can serve as a reliable backup, home standby generators offer a hands-free backup power solution, which is critical for outages that occur while you’re asleep or away. Standbys also generally have a higher power output and can support more appliances and systems, offering a fuller sense of continuity during an outage.

Advantages of Installing a Home Standby Generator

Uninterrupted Power Supply

What’s the value of continuous power during outages?

Whether it’s for medical equipment that sustains life, the security systems that protect your home, or ensuring your work-from-home connection stays active, a standby generator can prove invaluable. This section will detail the peace of mind and practical benefits of uninterrupted power in various scenarios.

For example, for individuals reliant on medical equipment such as oxygen concentrators, CPAP machines, or home dialysis systems, an uninterrupted power supply is not just a convenience but a necessity. During an outage, a home standby generator ensures that such critical medical devices continue to operate without disruption, safeguarding the health of those who depend on them.

Safety and Security

How does a standby generator maintain safety systems?

When the grid goes down, home security systems often follow. A home standby generator ensures that your alarms, surveillance cameras, and external lighting continue to function, safeguarding your loved ones and possessions. It also ensures that emergency lighting remains operational, mitigating the risk of accidents in the dark.

During power outages, security systems like alarms and surveillance cameras may fail, leaving homes exposed. A home standby generator keeps these systems working, ensuring ongoing protection. For example, during Hurricane Sandy in 2012, homes with standby generators kept their security systems active, greatly reducing burglary and damage risks.

Comfort and Convenience

In what ways does a generator contribute to comfort during an outage?

Comfort during an outage can be as simple as maintaining the temperature in your home, especially in extreme climates. Beyond this, the ability to power everyday devices—from charging your phone to running the coffee maker—keeps routines running smoothly amidst the chaos of a blackout.

During power outages, the absence of heating, air conditioning, and lighting can make a home uncomfortable and even unsafe. A home standby generator keeps HVAC systems running, ensuring comfortable indoor temperatures, regardless of outside weather. For example, during the 2019 heatwave that affected millions in Europe and North America, homes with standby generators kept their air conditioning on, greatly reducing the risk of heat-related illnesses.

Property Protection

How does a home standby generator prevent damage?

Power surges when the electricity comes back online can be as destructive as the outage itself. A standby generator mitigates these risks by managing the restoration of power and preventing damage to sensitive electronics and household systems. It also staves off issues, like frozen pipes in cold weather or spoiled food in an extended outage.

A home standby generator is crucial for preventing property damage, especially in flood-prone areas. It keeps sump pumps working during power outages, helping avoid costly water damage. For instance, during Hurricane Katrina in 2005, homes with standby generators managed to keep their basements dry and saved thousands in potential repairs.

Cost-Effectiveness and Value Addition

Can a home standby generator be cost-effective?

One of the primary cost-saving factors is the prevention of property damage, as outlined in the sump pump example during Hurricane Katrina. Furthermore, homes equipped with standby generators can see an increase in property value. According to a report by Consumer Reports, a home standby generator can potentially increase home resale value by 3 to 5 percent. This is especially true in areas prone to frequent power outages due to severe weather conditions.

Additionally, installing a standby generator can lead to significant insurance savings. Homeowners’ insurance policies may offer discounts of 5 to 10 percent because generators reduce risks like frozen and burst pipes in winter—a frequent and expensive issue. This makes standby generators not only a source of comfort and safety but also a financially beneficial investment.

Installation and Maintenance

What does the installation process of a home standby generator involve?

The installation process of a home standby generator is a critical step that requires careful planning and execution. To ensure a smooth installation, follow these essential steps:

Choose the Right Location: Select a location for your generator that is both accessible for maintenance and far enough from windows and doors to prevent carbon monoxide from entering the home.

Hire Qualified Professionals: Use only licensed electricians and plumbers familiar with local building codes and experienced in generator installation to ensure compliance and safety.

Obtain Necessary Permits: Check with your local municipality for any permits or approvals required before beginning installation.

Prepare the Site: Depending on the generator model, you may need a concrete pad, gravel bed, or other stable surface to place the generator on.

Install Fuel Lines: If your generator runs on natural gas or propane, professional installation of fuel lines is essential.

Electrical Hookup: A critical phase where electricians connect the generator to your home’s electrical panel via an automatic transfer switch.

Conduct a Test Run: Once installation is complete, perform a test run in the presence of the installer to ensure everything operates as it should.

Review Safety Procedures: Understand and review the safety features and operating procedures of your generator with your installer.

What maintenance is required to keep a home standby generator in peak condition?

Like any piece of critical home equipment, regular maintenance is key to ensuring the longevity and reliability of your standby generator. We’ll provide an overview of the maintenance tasks that homeowners can carry out themselves, as well as the importance of professional servicing.

Environmental Considerations

How do standby generators impact the environment?

Standby generators contribute to environmental impact by emitting carbon dioxide (CO2), a greenhouse gas, during use. For example, a diesel generator can release significant CO2 during extended power outages. This is particularly notable in areas with frequent outages where generator use is higher. While providing essential backup power, generators also increase the carbon footprint, highlighting the need for more sustainable energy solutions.


What factors should influence your decision when selecting a home standby generator?

Home size, power needs, and budget are significant factors to consider when choosing a standby generator. We’ll walk you through each consideration and provide advice on selecting a model that fits your unique requirements.

What are some popular standby generator brands and models?

We’ll compare and contrast leading generators on the market, covering their key features, performance, and customer satisfaction.

Why is professional consultation important when investing in a home standby generator?

Consulting with professionals can provide you with invaluable insights and recommendations tailored to your home’s specific needs and your family’s habits.


Home standby generators are more than an amenity—they’re a vital part of a comprehensive home management plan, offering security, comfort, and peace of mind when you need it most. As we’ve explored in this guide, they hold immense value for homeowners looking to fortify their households against the uncertainty of power outages. With the insights gained here, the next step is in our hands. Evaluation and action can transform the narrative of our preparedness, turning a potential crisis into a minor inconvenience.

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